Are you facing these problems?
- Have Facebook page and LINE Official Account for social commerce or chat with customers, but always switch application windows to reply them until you’re dizzyand messy.
- Customers chat outside of work hours but you can’t reply them quickly so they decided to buy another store.
- Talking to hundreds of customers but never use data for marketing.

We’re here to help you!
Let’s get to know Pigeon, customer service platform with AI that designed for social commerce.
Pigeon, chat system for social commerce
Pigeon was designed to combine chat channels from Facebook Messenger, LINE OA and email into one screen. Your staff can instantly respond to customers on either computer or smartphone.

Broadcast function
How much you pay for broadcast through LINE OA? How much you buy ads for Facebook messenger but don’t know if it’s the right targets?
No need to pay DOUBLE for your Facebook and LINE OA. Pigeon can broadcast to customer in every channel or specified by filter.
AI System with instantly reply mode
A lot of customers, late reply and they say bye
Stop these problems with AI instantly reply mode, as soon as customers start the conversation, AI will automatically reply them with any sentences you set them by you own!

Exclusive for Travel Agency
We can connect air ticket reservation with Amadeus to pigeon, so you can key in data and send airfare prices to customer directly!
Contact us via LINE ID : @penguint or send email to contact@www.asia1click.com
Serviced by Asia One Click Co.,Ltd